the Good

 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations”

(Matthew 28:19).

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Testimonies and Inspiring Stories

Werk saam met die Heilige Gees

Working with the Holy Spirit

Marius, my husband, is the manager at San Michele Home, a home for mental and physical challenged adults. This is a placement area for Gideons’ Wives, and we visit them...
Sand Art

Sand Art

I often walk on the beach when the weather is good. For quite a while there are a few guys creating sand art on the beach. The municipality helps them...
Beter om te gee

It is more blessed to give than to receive

Frances Vorwerg is a school for disabled children and children with severe learning difficulties. It was my first visit to this school so I was a little unsure of what...

Making a




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Our main purpose is to lead others to Christ through personal witnessing, testimonies, and the strategic placement of the Word of God. Your financial contribution will help us print and distribute Scriptures.

Our Banking Details

First National Bank (FNB), Pretoria

Branch code: 25 14 45 (EFT)

Cheque Account: 510 608 41 497

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