International Scripture Blitz Malaysia
I joined The Gideons in April 2023 and was six months into the Gideons when I attended the 2023 National convention in Bloemfontein, and I was still doing the Ambassador program led by Arrie and Petro Vermeulen. got to know about the international blitz at the National Convention and I put forth my name to attend one in 2024.
My trip to Malaysia was exciting and unique as it was my first time to visit Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. It was also my first blitz and my first church assignment which were both international.
I am not quite sure why I chose Malaysia, and I did not know what to expect at the blitz. What I am sure about is that I was excited and was looking forward to placing Bibles in Kuala Lumpur. The local team in Malaysia started sending communication to the international guests prior to our arrival in Malaysia, letting us know what to expect, the do’s and don’ts. This is when my excitement turned to a bit of anxiety when I realised it was not going to be an easy walk in the park.
I arrived in Kuala Lumpur on Friday the 19th of April, and I did a church assignment on the 21st of April at an Anglican Church in the city. Our typical day started by meeting at 7am for briefing and prayer, then we would head for breakfast. This was done at the hotel where we were staying. The local Gideons joined us from 08H00 then we would depart between 8h30 and 09H30 to various areas within the city. We would get back to the hotel around 4pm and meet again at 6pm for de-briefing then go for dinner.
The target was to give 30,000 Bibles between the 22nd to the 26th of April.
We were six international guests and there were approximately 30 local Gideons. Our prayer every morning before we go out for placement, was that God will close the eyes of the police and the authorities and that they would not see what we were doing.
Why were we praying this prayer?
There are restrictions in Kuala Lumpur regarding the distribution of Bibles as you are not allowed to give a Bible to a Muslim which a a big constraint, bearing in mind that 60% of the population are Muslims. We were not allowed to go inside a public/government school to place Bibles and we had to do it outside the school away from the cameras and had to do it very quickly before we attract attention of the authorities. We were risking arrest or trouble with authorities in what we were doing. This made me realise how easy we have it here in South Africa, and the few challenges we encounter are really nothing compared to what others go through.
God is faithful because none of us was arrested nor encountered any problems with the authorities. We managed to place just over 28,000 Bibles in the city of Kuala Lumpur, within one week which is a really big miracle, considering the rejections and challenges that we had to face. Our first day of placing Bibles made me wonder if we will be able to even place 3,000 Bibles for the week. 30, 000 seemed a far-fetched target. It was tough, the rejections were many, it was very hot and humid, and we were doing a lot of walking.
Two placements stood out for me
There is a hotel where the receptionist, a young man, told us that we could not place Bibles there, since the owner is a Muslim, but then the same young man who was also a Muslim, eagerly requested if he could just get one Bible, as he really wanted one for himself- we gladly gave it to him and I recall the smile on his face as he hid it in his pocket.
Then, in one of the hospitals we went to, the decor and posters on their walls could tell it was a Muslim hospital, and I was almost sure that they will not let us place Bibles. The lady in charge, who came to attend to us was a Muslim, obviously by the way she dressed, but she seemed to be okay and happy with our request. She not only allowed us but gladly assisted us in placing Bibles there, for which I do not have a logical explanation.
Despite The rejections were many and discouraging as there were many places that, we were not welcome and allowed to place the Bibles, I was encouraged by the tenacity, courage, and determination of the local Gideons in Kuala Lumpur. They did not seem to be deterred by those challenges and this kept me strong and going.
I realised that I am relatively young at 53 years because I was working with men and women in their 60’s, 70’s and 80’s all of us doing the same work of carrying Bibles in intense heat and humidity and had no excuse of age or physical challenges.
The food in Malaysia is great, there are beautiful beaches in the coastal area, good attractions in the city, and the people there are very warm and friendly.
How best can we take the opportunity to spread His word here in South Africa, seeing the open doors which are here? wonder whether there will be a time, here in this country where placing Bibles will not be allowed in public schools and hospitals. Let us work while it is still day… John 9:4, “As long as it is day, we must do the works of Him, who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work”.
Surely the harvest is plenty, but the workers are few.
Charles Thiongo
Edenvale Branch