God of Wonders

God of wonders

Today we had our Camps’ Monthly Get Together where we could plan work and braai with our fellow Gideons and Gideons’ Wives.

My husband, Vincent, and I went to pick up a fellow camp member because it was rainy and she didn’t want to drive herself. As we sat there on the side of the road waiting in front of her house, a security vehicle passed us. The security person was lingering and trying to look into our car. He then stopped and parked behind us.

I said to Vincent, “Oh my, he surely thinks we are up to no good.” He came to the window and said excitedly, “I know this car.”

When Vincent got out, we saw it was the man who showed up as first respondent when Vincent had his heart attack incident. As we stood there chatting, he called his colleague without informing him why he should come. Soon after, the colleague showed up and asked what he can help with. I then asked him if he recognised our car. The colleague started shaking his head speechlessly and then began to cry. Sobbing, he walked over to Vincent and hugged him. I took a picture of this man after he had calmed down a bit. The photo clearly shows the emotion on this black man’s face, who couldn’t stop crying. They saw Vincent dead next to the road after his heart attack.

During the incident on 12 November 2022, they happened to drive behind Vincent’s car because they thought he was drunk, but in reality his heart had stopped. His car wandered from one side of the road over to the other. His vehicle came to a stop against a tree without hitting another vehicle. They couldn’t get Vincent out of the vehicle, so the security man started to smash the window with his revolver. Eventually, they were able to help Vincent out. Meanwhile, the emergency medical workers showed up. These two security guards were the first responders at the scene.

We talked with them for a long time while the emotions of gratitude flowed strongly. They couldn’t believe Vincent was alive because they watched him die while the paramedics tried to revive him.

Last week, we conducted a Bible placement in Westville hospital at the X-rays department. There we spoke to Bongi who was involved on the day Vincent had his incident. She was also very emotional seeing Vincent and jumped up to hug him. She told us that it is a miracle to see him alive because his heart stopped again while he was in the hospital.

“You were dead. It’s a miracle! I can’t believe you are alive without any brain damage. And now, you are fine,” she told us with tears in her eyes.

This we did not know. We do know that his heart stopped while the paramedics helped him and then again afterwards in the ambulance, but that his heart stopped in the hospital was news to us. His heart stopped three times.

I knew we would meet Bongi in the hospital during our Bible placement.

God works in wonderful ways because we were meeting the people again who first helped Vincent. Through Vincent’s heart attacks, the Lord turned the situation around and restored many people’s faith in Him. And these people could experience first-hand God’s grace and testify how our Lord has miraculously saved Vincent.

Elsa Hamman

Pinetown Branch

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